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Amaranth Page 4
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Page 4
We both chuckled, my face flushing for sure now; I could feel the pink spread to my ears. I managed to tuck my hair in front of my ears, covering evidence of my embarrassment. “Excuse me?”
“I just noticed you’ve been watching me from over there, and I have to say ... I’m impressed. You spoke to me when I caught you spying.” He shrugged. “That’s brave. It sucks to be caught people watching. Especially in close proximity like this.” He gestured between us with his hands.
My scrambled thoughts pushed their way from my mouth. I shook my head. “No, not spying. I just feel like I know you from somewhere ... your face ...”
“So you were spying on me.” He grinned but his eyes glared at me, his posture a bit tenser now.
My face burned with humiliation but I squinted, determined to study his face for anything I recognized, perhaps the shape of his eyes and the line of his jaw, certain the answer was sitting right there in my memory bank, just not visible yet. He continued to stare at me, his eyes drilling into mine. My face felt as if it were on fire.
I straightened, focusing on my response on him instead of his scorching brown eyes. “Okay ... whatever you wanna call it, fine. I just thought I recognized you.”
He laughed, looking apologetic. “Look, I don’t mean to embarrass you. I’m only joking with you. Really.” He plopped the book in his hands back on the shelf next to him. “You have seen me before, actually. Met me, in fact.” He pursed his lips, hesitating. “And now I’m embarrassed that I embarrassed you.” He shyly shifted his glance downward and placed his hands in his pockets.
“Really? I thought so. I just can’t place you. I’m sorry, how do I know you?”
“Well, I believe we met in France a while back. I recognized you, but I didn’t want to say anything.”
Do I look old enough to be called sir? The memory bank immediately broke, the recollection of our meeting in Paris sliding out. “Oh, I remember now, of course! No, I’m glad you said something. I felt like an idiot for staring at you, I just ...” Out of words, I wrapped my arms around my body.
“Don’t. It’s been almost two years. I didn’t expect you to even look twice at me.”
He didn’t expect me to look at him? This guy was oblivious to the effect he had on people.
He broke the silence for me. “So ... you live here? In Lafayette? Small world.”
“Yeah. Well, in the Saint Martinville area. How about you?”
“Yeah, I live outside of town, too.”
I was enamored with him all over again, amazed I didn’t recognize him the minute I laid eyes on him. I said, “Uh, just for the record, I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. And on top of that, I’m really tired today. My mind just had to catch up I guess. But believe me, I remember you.”
“Ah, don’t mention it. I mean, we only met once. I can’t believe it’s been almost two years since that trip, though. Sometimes I feel like it was just yesterday that I was there.”
“Yeah, I do too sometimes. Time really flies.”
His stance relaxed more, and he leaned on the bookshelf. “You enjoy the rest of your visit there?”
I nodded. “The best time of my life, I can’t wait to go back someday. I never did get around to calling you. I was sort of in my own world.” My hands suddenly felt like extra appendages; I tucked them into my back pockets. “The whole trip was really ... important. And meeting you? It was cool talking to someone I could relate to while I was in another country.” I stared past his shoulders, recalling our conversation outside on the terrace that morning. If he only knew the mess I was in now.
“Something wrong?”
I returned my attention to him, letting go of the distraction. “No. I’m just shocked you remember me, let alone how strange it is, running into you again like this.”
He nodded, his eyes fixed on mine. “Like I said, small world.”
“Ahem.” Carol reared around the corner. “Is this a friend of yours, Camille? Or one of our customers?” She asked sweetly, but glanced over at the register where Gina stood, slumped over on the counter flipping through a magazine, pretending she wasn’t watching us.
“Both.” He’d spoken for me, the same phony sweetness in his tone. I fought back a grin.
“Ah, well, that’s great. We appreciate your business, dear. But Camille,” she turned back toward me, “I think you should wrap it up, okay? Mingle with the other customers.” She waddled off toward the stockroom. Our eyes surveyed the empty store as she walked away.
“Other customers?” He smirked, amused.
“Yeah, that’s Carol for ya.”
“So I see. Well, I’ll let you get back to work. It was nice seeing you again though.” He grabbed the book he’d temporarily rested on the shelf. “I’ll probably see you around again. I just started coming to this place. It’s not like the chain stores, I like it.”
I smiled up at him, secretly bummed he was leaving. “It was nice seeing you too. I’ll see you around then.” I reluctantly turned to head toward the register, but noticed that he stood still, a contemplative look on his face. I stopped politely, waiting for whatever it was he had to say, hoping it was more than just a question about the book he was holding.
He opened his mouth to speak, but hesitated. I stood there, feeling stupid. “Would you ... want to go get coffee or see a movie sometime?” He spit out the words, jumbling them up as if they were all one word. “If not I understand--”
“That’d be great.”
“I can give you my number.... Are you free tonight by any chance?”
I shut my gaping jaw, not realizing it had been hanging open. Could I do this? While I still had Andrew to deal with? I couldn’t even imagine what a normal date would feel like right now. My mind began to analyze all of the what-if scenarios.
What the hell. “Sure. I get off around five. I have a friend visiting though, would you mind coming to my place to pick me up? Maybe hang out for a little bit before we go out? I feel rude leaving her there alone.”
“That’ll be fine. Here’s my number.” He spoke eagerly, moving toward me to grasp my hand. My heartbeat accelerated. He pulled a pen from his pocket and began writing on the inside of my wrist. “Give me a call when you get off and give me directions to your place.” He let go of my wrist and turned for the front door. “I’ll see you tonight then.” He hung his head, smiling warmly as he strolled off.
I said “See ya,” but wasn’t certain if I’d said it quickly enough for him to hear. I was too overwhelmed pondering this beautiful contradiction that had crossed my path not once, but twice in my lifetime. I wanted to know of this shy, yet overtly confident dark cloud that illuminated everything around him.
A memory of the last image I remembered of him as he left me in Paris flashed through my mind, and I realized Andrew would have to wait. I had a life to move on with. It was clear that Paris not only changed my life while I was there, but a small piece of it actually manifested itself right here -- in Louisiana of all places -- for a reason. Gavin carried a supernatural aura that exuded something genuine, and for all of this, I knew he was worth the risk of Andrew’s wrath.
I looked down at my wrist to examine his phone number, smiling when I read what he wrote underneath: “Sir,” aka Gavin.
I did not forget his name.
* * *
Audrey stood next to me at my vanity while I contemplated which outfit to wear, her arms folded, tapping her foot. “Okay, Camille. I know I’m supposed to play the role of super-supportive friend here, even though you’ve gone crazy and all. But this? Going out with this new guy in the midst of an end to an abusive relationship that you’ve yet to really deal with? Have you even called the beast to tell him about next weekend yet?”
“Audrey, you’re getting on my nerves. Will you chill out? He’s a nice guy. And I met him before, I told you.”
“For like twenty minutes! Like two years ago!”
“So? Isn’t that better than a complete stranger?”
In the mirror, I saw her roll her eyes. I ran a brush through my hair, reached for my makeup, then stopped. “Audrey, look. I meant it: he’s a nice guy. And I can’t explain it to you, I just get a good vibe from him. He’s different. Mysterious. In a good way.”
I began to put mascara on. “It’s not like I’m marrying the guy. We’re just gonna hang out. Stop freaking out.” I batted my eyelashes, moved on to the lipstick. “Speaking of hanging out, you should go get ready. He’s bringing a friend of his.”
I waited for it.
Here we go....
“They’ll be here in thirty minutes. When did you plan on telling me this? And where the hell are we going for this date? Details, woman.”
“Audrey, seriously. You sure you wanna be a cook? I really think you should reconsider your career. What about acting? Do you have any idea what a drama queen you are? You’d be amazing on Broadway, seriously.”
Her nostrils flared, and I’d swear it looked like she might pounce and kill me.
“Camille Elizabeth Hart!”
I was pretty sure only dogs could hear her.
“Why is it that I’m being called a drama queen, when I’m the sensible one here?” she said. “Why are you so composed? I’m more worried about you than you are!”
“Exactly.” I threw down my lipstick. I was about to spill and let her know we might have a little magic on our side, but I didn’t. She’d really think I was crazy if I told her that. “That’s my point. If I’m not freaking out, you shouldn’t either. It’s my problem, so let me be the one to worry about it.” I tossed my makeup back into the drawer and stood, placed my hands on her shoulders. “Everything’s going to be okay. I don’t know how, I just know it is. This is why I’m here, remember? To start over? So please, just be happy I have a nice guy to hang out with, and come have fun with us tonight.”
She pouted and folded her arms like the child she was.
“Please, Audrey? Let’s just put aside this Andrew-the-barbarian drama for a few days and have fun. I need this.” I stared at her, waiting for her to give in.
“Barbarian. I like that. Fitting. Fine. Where are we going, so I know what the hell to wear? And who is his friend?”
I hugged her. “Yes! Okay, just wear something casual. But not too casual. I think we’re going up the road to a little hole-in-the-wall joint for some dinner, but ya never know. His friend’s name is Gabe. He’s our age, but Gavin didn’t give me any other details.”
“He better be good-looking. And if he’s one of those cocky jocks, I’m bailing, got it?”
“Don’t be so shallow,” I said. “I don’t think he’s like that anyway. Not if he hangs out with Gavin. But whatever you say, drama queen. Now go get ready, please? They’ll be here soon, get a move on it!”
“Ugh, so bossy.”
She turned and moped toward the guestroom. Did I really just deem her an angel last night? Because I was pretty sure she was actually a constant thorn in my side, and that angel-thing was just blind admiration.
Supplement for the Wreckage
We stepped outside the house when we heard a car approach the drive. When the car came into sight, Audrey’s jaw dropped. “Oh my ...” She tried again. “Holy ...”
“Crap,” I finished for her.
“You didn’t mention this guy had money, Camille.” She nudged my arm. “I suddenly feel a tad underdressed. You?”
I glanced down at my timeworn Converse sneakers. “I didn’t know. And how are we gonna fit in that thing?” I stared at the black Maserati as it pulled into park in front of us, a car so flashy, I had a hard time picturing him in it.
And then he stepped out from the driver’s side wearing a black button-up dress shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, and an expensive-looking pair of dark jeans. Not the Gavin with the old band t-shirt and combat boots, but wherever that Gavin was tonight, I wouldn’t complain about his absence.
“Hey you,” he said, then, hands in pockets, he walked toward us. The enthusiasm on his face lit me up.
“Hey,” I replied, sneaking a glance at Audrey to make sure she’d shut her mouth. “Nice car. Didn’t picture you driving a Maserati.”
“Thanks. I love it. Wait until you see the inside, it’s just as nice.” He looked back at the car, peering at the passenger door while he laughed his nervous laugh again. “Too flashy for me?”
“Flashy, but that’s not a bad thing,” I said with a shrug.
“What did you picture me driving?”
The passenger door swung open, and out stepped another tall, dark and handsome type. Except this guy had dark-black hair with piercing blue eyes that nearly blinded me. I stifled a laugh, knowing Audrey would probably leave me the hell alone for the rest of the evening.
Gavin turned to the guy. “What do you think, Gabe? Do you think a Maserati’s too flashy for me?”
“I don’t know man, I think it suits you,” Gabe replied, coming to join us.
“I was gonna say an old Mustang or something,” I chimed in.
“Yeah, I can see that, too,” Gabe said. “But he does have a thing for luxury cars. Big spender over here.” Gabe had a kind face: mature, yet boy-like. And he seemed really close with Gavin, like a brother.
Gabe bumped Gavin’s shoulder, hinting at him to introduce us. “Ah, sorry. Camille,” he said, and introduced Gabe to me. Then he moved forward to shake Audrey’s hand. “And you must be Audrey, right?”
“Yup, nice to meet you,” she said, extending her hand.
“Hope you don’t mind he’s tagging along tonight,” Gavin said, and moved to stand next to me.
She quietly chuckled, a dark laugh I think she intended only me to hear. Gavin heard and glanced over at me, amused.
Gabe and Audrey began chatting. Gavin and I exchanged pleased looks and stepped away to give them privacy. He said, “You look ...”
“Underdressed?” I glanced again at his flashy car.
“Ha. No. I was going to say you look amazing.” He pointed toward my long-sleeved corset top. “Black looks great on you, I notice you wear a lot of it.”
“What do you know?” I joked. “You’ve only seen me what, twice?” I nodded at his shirt. “You’re one to talk. Black is all I’ve seen you wear, too.”
“I suppose you have a point.” He tugged at his shirt, grinning. “It’s all I wear. I don’t feel comfortable wearing any other color.”
I looked up, my eyes meeting his in understanding. “Me too. Everything else is too colorful. I like to blend in, not stand out.”
“Wow. We really are introverts.”
“That we are,” I agreed laughing, pulling at my sleeve. “But hey, I do have another reason. Johnny Cash. ‘Man in Black.’ It resonates with me. I feel convicted to wear it.” Embarrassed by my confession, I chuckled, playing with my sleeve as I spoke.
“That’s a great song. So, you’re an introvert with a conviction.”
He looked at me with the same intrigue that crossed his face that day in Paris. It made me uncomfortable, yet I didn’t want him to look away. I pried my eyes from his, feeling that annoying pink hue begin to spread across my face again. “I know, I’m a dork. Just deal with it.”
“You’re far from that, believe me.” He pulled his eyes from my face. “That’s a very respectable conviction, you know--”
“Okay guys, are we gonna head out? We’re starving.” Gabe and Audrey had returned from their little world. I was shocked to notice they were already hand-in-hand. That was quick. And strange.
“Uh, yeah let’s go,” I replied, giving Audrey a hard stare. She didn’t notice. She was too busy smiling at Gabe. It was nauseating. Already. “Where are we going exactly, by the way?”
“Well,” Gavin said. “We’re taking you to this place in Breaux Bridge. Cafe Des Amis. They have Cajun zydeco music. We hope you ladies like to dance, because--”
Audrey exploded with laughter, immediately clapping her hand over h
er mouth. Gavin shifted his eyes between Audrey and me, confused.
A penitent smile on her face, Audrey said, “It’s just that ... Camille doesn’t exactly dance. It’s not her thing.”
“Yeah, but it’s fine, really,” I said. “I can still hang out while you guys dance. Come on, let’s go.” I darted for the car, shooting her a warning look.
Not wanting to spoil the fun, after dinner, I let Gavin hurl me all over the dance floor. Every few minutes he would dip me and fling me into a stranger, although the flinging wasn’t his fault. He was actually quite coordinated, his rhythm impressive. I was the one who couldn’t keep up, unexpectedly launching myself into people as we moved. I watched Audrey and Gabe easily keep up with the fast Cajun beats. Their dance moves were just about as nauseating as their instant chemistry, though I couldn’t help but smile at their instant coupledom. The entire night felt safe. Lighter. So far, the new spell was working just fine.
I was having a great time too, but getting tired. Gavin caught my exhausted expression as another song ended and said, “Want to take a break? How about a walk?” I nodded, and watched him share a cautious look with Gabe before he led me out the door to the street.
“Everything okay?” I asked, puzzled by the exchange. We began to meander down the street.
“Oh ... yeah, everything’s fine. Gabe and I just watch out for each other. This guy inside has kind of been eyeing you all night, and he was helping me keep an eye on him, that’s all.”
“Well that’s creepy. But ... thanks.” I shivered. The familiar paranoia rushed over me, and like the gods suddenly sensed my fear, my cell phone rang. Saying, “Excuse me,” I stepped away from Gavin, but headed toward the end of the sidewalk when I saw the name on the caller ID. I hesitated, then silenced the ringer to ignore it. I was not about to let him ruin the night.
“Everything okay?” Gavin appeared from behind me, looking concerned in the streetlight. He glanced around at the empty sidewalk, as though looking for someone.
“Yeah,” I stammered, shoved the phone in my pocket. “My mom. I always get upset when she calls.” I tried to focus, gestured toward the sidewalk. “How about that walk?”